Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christian B & B. Couple Convicted

It is said that our Queen takes her role seriously because she believes she is the Lord’s anointed. This claim is not simply based on Rom 13 which says that God has appointed all authorities in the world, but on a misguided medieval idea held by many European monarchies which saw them in the role of King David in the Old Testament.
This could lead to a doctrine of the divine right of kings, as with the Bourbons in France or the Stewarts in Britain, but need not necessarily do so.
The Queen is and recognizes herself to be, a constitutional monarch. This means that her powers are strictly limited by parliament. However her Coronation Oath was taken on a Bible which she believes to be the Word of God. If this is so then how can she approve legislation which goes against that Word?
For the first time in many years Christians have been prosecuted for their beliefs and practices and found guilty. I refer to the case of the B and B owners who refused to let a room to two homosexual men. They prosecuted the Christian couple and won their case. However they only won it because, as the judge said, the law has changed to reflect changing attitudes in society.
That is so, but does God’s attitude change? No it does not. It is as clear in the New Testament as in the Old. Homosexuality is a sin. Not all sin is necessarily a legal offence, and rightly so. We do not live in a Theocracy. But when the law upholds sinful actions then there is something wrong.
This was true in the Roman Empìre of the First Century and yet the apostles did not call for Christian legislation. That is a fair point. But Britain has had a 1,500 year Christian heritage and 500 years of Reformation heritage. This is reflected in the Coronation Oath, taken on the Bible, to uphold the Reformed Faith.
One may argue that the Reformed Faith is wrong, or even that the Bible is not the Word of God. But these were not the suppositions of anyone when the present Queen took that Oath. She has knowingly approved laws which blatantly contradict the Bible on which she swore that Oath. If she is God’s anointed, then how will she answer to him for the moral state of the country she was elected by him to govern?
And before antimonarchists smirk at her dilemma, remember that we are a representative democracy. That means that each one of us is responsible before God for the legislation approved by our Parliament on our behalf. Legislation no longer sets the moral standard, it lamely reflects it. If Christians are being persecuted for their faith and practice it is because the man and woman in the street feel this is correct. Each one will answer to God for this.

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